The students of the Medium Vocational Training Course “Technician in Health Care Emergencies” graduated last 6, June.


The Academic Graduation ceremony of the 1st promotion of the students of the Medium Vocational Training Course “Technician in Health Care Emergencies” was hold last 6, June.

The students of the Medium Vocational Training Course “Technician in Health Care Emergencies” graduated last 6, June.

The solemn Academic Graduation ceremony of the 1st promotion of the students of the Medium Vocational Training Course “Technician in Health Care Emergencies” of  Instituto Superior de Estudios Profesionales CEU in collaboration with TASSICA Emergency, Training & Research was hold last 6, June. The ceremony took place in Montepríncipe Campus where students, families, graduation sponsors, directors and personnel of the Foundation attended.

The act was presided by Dª. Concepción Ortega (Director of Instituto Superior de Estudios Profesionales CEU) and by D. Alberto Montarelo Navajo (Technical Director of TASSICA Emergency, Training & Research), among other figures of San Pablo CEU Foundation.  After the emotional speeches, the arrangement of sashes and delivery of diplomas, the ceremony was ended with a Spanish wine.